
Poland : Zimmer to erect PA6 polymerisation plant in Poland

Zimmer AG, an engineering company of Germany, has bagged a contract from Zaklady Azotowe W Tarnowie-Moscicach SA to improve and enlarge PA6 polymerisation and recovery facility in Tarnow, Poland.

Using caprolactam as feedstock, output strength of PA6 chips will be increased from 22,750 tons/y to 45,000 tons/y. To design plastics and film products, the chips will be treated further, for a second time.

Zimmer will supply necessary engineering and key equipment, and it will also supervise construction and plant operation in fourth quarter of 2006.

Zimmer AG, a specialist in polymers and fibres technologies has made its mark in process engineering and plant construction, which operates worldwide and forms part of the mg engineering division of mg technologies ag. Zimmer designs, provides and builds turnkey plants of plant units for the production of polymers and synthetic fibres.

Established in 1950, Zimmer AG has constructed more than 800 plants in 50 countries.

(Source: fibre2fashion.com)

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CEZ considers placing shares on other bourses, Poland in play

Czech state-run power producer CEZ is considering placing its shares on some foreign stock exchanges, and Poland could be one of the options, CEZ spokesman Ladislav Kriz told CTK.

The company is considering the so-called dual listing, not an initial public offering.

"Poland is one of the options because it is a market of our interest where we want to develop business activities. We have opened an office there and are active in tenders for local power stations," Kriz said.

But more options are in play, he added. The final decision could be taken in the nearest weeks or months. CEO Martin Roman told the BBC Czech Service on Monday that the firm could decide by the end of the year.

Kriz also said that the company was unlikely to place its shares on markets in Romania or Bulgaria where it has bought distribution companies. CEZ is also analysing the possibility of entering western European bourses.

CEZ shares are among the most traded stocks on the Prague bourse. The market value of the company was CZK 384.5 billion on Tuesday.

(Source: CTK)

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Finland's Ramirent gets a better hold of Poland

The Finnish machinery rental company Ramirent plc, or its Polish subsidiary Ramirent S.A., has bought the entire renting operations of Poland's Alimak Hek Polska.

Ramirent did not let out the value of the acquisition on Thurday. In 2005, Alimak's turnover was estimated at nearly one million euros.

The fifty-year-old Ramirent changed its name four years ago from A-Rakennusmies. Ramirent has 2,500 people on its payroll in 11 countries and had sales of 316 million euros last year.

"Through the acquisition, Ramirent S.A. expands its product range and increases its share in renting of mast climbing equipment in Poland. The acquisition gives Ramirent immediate access to interesting and long-term projects in Poland," Ramirent President and Chief Executive Erkki Nuorvio said in a stock exchange statement.

(Source: STT)

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DSG International enters Poland; to step up Central European expansion

DSG International PLC, the pan-European electrical retailer formerly known as Dixons Group, said its Electro World unit will enter the Polish market tomorrow and announced plans to step up its expansion in Central Europe.

The retailer's first store in Poland will open at Targowek commercial centre in Warsaw. A second store will open prior to Christmas.

Both stores will be on sites shared with furniture giant, Ikea, with further co-sites likely in future.

Electro World plans to fast-track the expansion of its store network in Central Europe with the addition of 20 new stores 'as soon as possible', said DSG.

The next opening in the programme will be at Tabor in the Czech Republic and follows a recent opening at Dunakeszi in Budapest.

The new store programme will also include a planned six openings in Poland by the end of 2006.

The first Polish store opening means DSG is now trading in 14 countries, with international operations accounting for more than a third of the group's turnover.

(Source: AFX/Forbes)

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EU Approves Bank Merger

The European Union announced Tuesday it had approved the planned merger of Italian bank Unicredito Italiano SpA and German lender HVB Group AG.

The euro15.4 billion (US$18.7 billion) merger with Unicredito will be Europe's biggest banking deal and had already passed scrutiny by financial regulators in Italy and Germany.

"The clearance of this merger therefore paves the way for the creation of a truly European bank," EU Antitrust Commissioner Neelie Kroes said Tuesday. She added it would "contribute to establishing a single European market for retail and corporate banking."

Unicredito's takeover of HVB will give the Italian bank unprecedented access to customers in eastern Europe. HVB has built up a presence in countries including Poland, which has seen strong growth while western Europe's has slowed.

Kroes said she had specifically examined the market in Poland and eastern European nations like the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where both have a significant operation.

"I am confident that consumers in those countries will not suffer due to any decreased level of competition," she said.

UniCredito is Italy's largest bank and HVB is Germany's second-largest bank. Combined, they will have assets of euro733 billion, with more than 7,000 branches in 19 countries.

After HVB's acceptance of a euro15.4 billion (US$18.7 billion) takeover bid from Unicredito, the banks are hoping to raise their combined operating income from euro7.6 billion (US$9.29 billion) in 2004 to euro11.8 billion (US$14.43 billion) in 2007.

The two banks expect a combined operating profit of euro8.3 billion (US$10.15 billion) this year.

The deal would create a dominant player in the former communist east.

HVB had already said it planned to cut 2,400 jobs to cut costs and Unicredito said it would cut about 9,000 jobs as part of its planned takeover, a move that would help boost operating income at the two banks by more than 50 percent over three years.

A statement from Kroes's office said the proposed merger "would not lead to competition concerns and that in all affected national markets the combined firm will continue to face a number of strong competitors."

The merger would give Unicredito a major foothold in Germany, the continent's largest economy, and neighboring Austria - wealthy areas adjoining its prosperous north.

The deal marked the second time in as many years that a major cross-border acquisition has taken place. Last year, Spain's Santander Central Hispano SA bought Abbey National PLC, Britain's sixth-biggest bank, in a 9.5 billion pound deal.

(Source: AP/Forbes)

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Dell eyes Czech Rep or Poland for new plant - paper

Dell Inc., the world's largest personal computer maker, wants to build a new factory in either the Czech Republic or neighbouring Poland, a Czech newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Citing a source close to talks, the leading business daily Hospodarske Noviny wrote that the Czechs had about a 50 percent chance of winning the investment in the plant, which would manufacture Dell computers for Europe.

CzechInvest, the state-run agency charged with promoting foreign investment in the new European Union member country, would not comment on the report, an agency spokeswoman said.

Earlier this month, the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza said, without citing sources, that Dell could open a 120 million euro ($144.7 million) computer assembly plant that would employ 3,000 people in the central city of Lodz.

Poland's officials later said no decision had been taken.

Last month, Dell Chief Executive Kevin Rollins had said the company would announce within months a new manufacturing site in Europe.

He did not say where the new factory would be, but said Dell preferred to make computers near important sales markets, rather than pick locations solely based on cost.

Dell aims to grow in Europe, where it has a 13 percent share of the personal computer market compared with its 32 percent share of the U.S. market.


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Kazakhstan's Beijing-Brussels caravan initiative highly estimated in Poland

An international conference "On Silk Way Again" dedicated to the first ever truck caravan "Beijing-Astana-Warsaw-Berlin-Brussels" currently passing the territory of Poland has taken place in Warsaw, MFA of RK has advised KZ-today.

The caravan started by participants of the International Road Transport Union's 3rd in Beijing as of 26 September 2005, in which Kazakhstani, Chinese, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Polish transport operators took part. The project of the truck caravan between Asia and Europe was first presented by Maksat Saktaganov, president of International Road Transport Union of RK, and approved by the World Road Transport Organisation,.

Taking into consideration the high commodity turnover dynamics between China, Kazakhstan and the EU countries, the conference participants highly estimated the Kazakhstani initiative of establishing alternative (with regard to sea and railway) transport nodes on the Eurasian space. The participants believe that the Kazakhstani initiative will allow to reduce the time of cargo deliveries from 6 to 2 weeks, increasing the efficiency of services at the international transport market.

The introduction of this alternative traffic between Asia and Europe that will entail the enlargement of the commodity turnover between Kazakhstan and the EU will allow to bolster the image of Kazakhstan as a nodal transit state in Eurasia, the MFA observed.

(Source: Gazeta.KZ)

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