
OnetRebtel Offers Free International Mobile Calling in Poland

December 11, 2006
Polish people around the world will soon be saying "dziekuje" to OnetRebtel, a partnership between Rebtel Mobile and Grupa Onet.pl SA, an internet portal in Poland, for their ability to make international calls local.
With the partnership, users will not have to be tied to a computer to make cost-sensible international calls or use expensive landline or mobile phone rates. Instead, they can use a mobile phone to make calls locally, which are then connected by OnetRebtel over a free internet connection
Poland, with a large number of cell phone users and people abroad, was a perfect market to first launch OnetRebtels new innovative service.

According to Rebtel's co-founder and CEO, Hjamlmar Winbladh, "There are more than 34.7 million mobile phones in Poland today and more than 14 million Polish people living and working abroad—most with mobile phones."
The partnership, first announced in September, "gives people local phone numbers in their country to call their friends and family who live abroad. By making all calls local, friends and family can call each other as often as they like and talk as long as they want at the cost of the local calls," a news release noted.

For international calling, this is significant as it allows users to bypass the expensive charges typically given for both landline international calling and especially international calling on a mobile phone. With the service, the polish people will no longer feel the need to rush a "do widzenia" because of the cost for the distant calling.
Lukasz Wejchert, Onet president and CEO commented in a statement, "I am convinced that together with Rebtel we will change the way Polish people stay in touch with their close ones abroad and with home when traveling or working outside of Poland."
The service is being offered free for the first three months and with a fee of three PLN ($1 USD) per week, thereafter.
Rebtel also announced today that anyone who signs up to use their service between today and January 15, 2007, will receive one month of free service as part of their holiday season promotion.
Source:By Stefania Viscusi
TMCnet Assistant Editor, ipcommunications.tmcnet.com

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