
Poland cannot grow without workers

Warsaw, Poland December 9, 2006. For the Polish economy to expand workers are required to fill the jobs that will naturally be created by increased investment and spending. But a large percentage of the workers have left Poland for the West and employers in Poland are having difficulty in filling vacancies. Polish companies can neither grow nor complete work as fast as they should be able to.

Money is coming into Poland from the European Union and from foreign firms interested in establishing operations in Poland.

Additionally, foreign investors have found that Polish real-estate is underpriced as far as Western European standards go. Apartments are being purchased for investment purposes and prices are rising to the point where Polish buyers are being eliminated from the market.

As money pours in Poland, it is experiencing an economic boom. But how long the boom lasts will only be the determined by the number of workers available to fill the job vacancies.

It would seem that job vacancies are being filled and that there are many workers available. The Polish government has once again reported a decrease in the unemployment rate. But the government did not give a reason for the decrease. See Unemployment Decreases

The unemployment rate of 14.9% is deceptive in its own right. This number includes people who are self-employed and are using the unemployment system to get health insurance. It also includes people were working in the West but claiming unemployment benefits in Poland. And it includes a large number of people who are not interested in working. See Unemployment Figures Deceptive

Construction is key to the growth of the economy. There is a shortage of apartments. Roads must be built and they must be built quickly to utilize European union funds. Factories and other facilities must be built for foreign investors.

Construction workers are in short supply. They've gone West to work for higher pay.

And the service economy has also been affected. The labor shortage is to the point where companies are hiring families and women who want to get pregnant with the hope that they will not go West once they are trained.

Now even the farmers are complaining that they need workers. There is no need to grow apples if there is no one to pick them. See Growers Short Workers

This labor shortage a problem that is being ignored. The Polish government is more interested in surviving its current spate of scandals. Little or nothing is being done to keep the workers in Poland.

When the economy stalls, then maybe they will realize that they need workers to make it grow.


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