
Poland: PKP Cargo charged by antimonopoly Office

Just before Christmas the Consumers and Competition Protection Office (UOKiK) begun another investigation against PKP Caro, Poland's national freight operateo. It was the sixth investigation in 2006.
Private operators complain that PKP Cargo charges are to high and that it does not treat its clients in an equal manner.

This time it is CTL Logistics acccusing PKP of discriminatory practices. CTL wants PKP Cargo to stop with monpolistic actions before the investigation ends.

The companies that are considered competitive to PKP Cargo cannot count on privilages such as special privilaged agreements. state owned company should treat all of its clients in the same manner, CTL says.

From january 2007 also the European Commision will be able to enforce antimonopoly law on state owned freight operator.

The amount of possible fine depends on the company's financial results. PKP Cargo refuses to provide those. In 2004 PKP Cargo made PLN 109m (EUR 28.5m) net profit with incomes at PLN 6 billion (EUR 1.56 billion).

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