
Poland Government Rejects Call for Total Ban on Abortions

Poland’s government has stopped short of attempting to ban all abortions in the Roman Catholic country, despite efforts by the League of Polish Families to introduce legislation offering protection to unborn children under all circumstances, including in cases of rape or threat to the health of the mother.

Brothers Lech and Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who together head the strongly-conservative government in coalition with the League, indicated they would not considering reopening the issue of abortion, in statements to the media reported by TVNZ.com October 28.

“I am for keeping the status quo,” President Lech Kaczynski stated. “The compromise reached on abortion 13 years ago is good.”

Jaroslaw Kacsynski, Prime Minister of Poland, agreed, saying he wanted to avoid another storm over abortion.

The League of Polish Families formed a coalition with the Kaczynskis government last May. The League is calling for a constitutional change that would allow a total ban on abortion, including cases of rape, incest, and severe prenatal disabilities.

In cases of pregnancy resulting from rape, “[a] child should not be punished for the crimes of his father,” League deputy Marek Kotlinowski told Reuters. “It’s a tragedy for the woman. But the fate of the child interests me more.”

Poland is one of very few European countries still offering significant protection to the life of the unborn, along with Ireland and the tiny country of Malta. The country has come under heavy pressure from the European Union to liberalize its abortion laws, but so far the country’s leadership has resisted EU directives on the issue.

Source:By Gudrun Schultz, ifesite.ne

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