
Big space shopping trade in Poland

Customers go where they like it most

“Poland is lucky in that it has gone into the world of big space shopping trade rather late”. That was an observation made one year ago by a Western expert in the sector while opening the Poznań Plaza

Poland – a highly promising market considering
the country's vast potential
of 38 million eager consumers looking forward to this new form of trade.
hypermarket. “The result is”, he said, “that shopping centres in Poland are among the most modern ones in Europe. Big shopping centres in the West can afford up-dating their facilities only after earning return. Yours are modern from the start”.

According to the ”Report on Internal Trade in 2004” released by the Ministry of the Economy, gross return on sales of big and medium sized shops in that year amounted to 2.5 per cent and 3.4 per cent in small outlets while return on capital went up by 10 per cent and 23.5 per cent, respectively”. That finding abolishes the myth that ”hypermarkets make fortunes at the expense of small shops”. They do not. Big space shopping entities make money on economies of scale rather than unit margins.

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