
Most in Poland Satisfied with Place in EU

Many Poles are happy with their country’s accession into the European Union (EU), according to a poll by TNS OBOP. 72 per cent of respondents rate Poland’s membership in the EU as positive.

In the June 2003 EU accession referendum, 77.5 per cent of voters endorsed Poland’s accession. The country officially became a member of the continental alliance in May 2004. Poland is the sixth biggest member of the group.

In September, Poland’s unemployment rate fell to 15.2 per cent—its lowest level since December 2000. The number is still the highest in the 25-nation EU.

In July, Polish president Lech Kaczynski called for the restoration of capital punishment in Europe. The League of Polish Families (LPR) political party has announced a campaign to support the introduction of the death penalty for people convicted of sexual abuse and murder of minors. Both EU and the Council of Europe call for every member state to have abolished capital punishment.

Polling Data

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Not sure



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