
More foreign airlines allowed to offer irregular flights from Poland

Warsaw (Puls Biznesu) – Polish charter airlines warn that too many foreign companies are allowed to operate from Poland to extra-EU countries.

Next to Eurocypria which has been recently allowed to operate from Poland to countries not belonging to the EU, there are new airlines being let into the market.

“Cabo Verde and Air Italy have received similar permissions. The first one may fly to extra-EU countries while the second one to Cuba and Dominicana”, Krzysztof Szymanski, PrimaCharter (PCh) deputy CEO said.

PCh is the Polish charter operator which has managed to avoid bankruptcy.

“Why do authorities adversely affect Polish airlines?” Adam Wychowaniec, PCh CEO asked in a letter to Grzegorz Kruszynski, the head of the Civil Aviation Authorities (ULC).

“This will hit LOT’s group directly” Wojcieh Kadziolka spokesman of LOT flag carrier commented.

LOT’s subsidiary Centralwings offers charter flights.

“Who is going to cover nearly USD 1m of monthly costs of leasing new planes which are going to be useless all winter long? We have just received first annulments of 10 flights to Brazil, Cuba and Dominicana because Cabo Verde and Air Italy have launched operations. We estimate costs at USD 1.8m”, Adam Wychowaniec added.

Source: pulsbiznesu.pl

Flights to Poland

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