
What’s Happening With Organic Poland

he goals of the Polska Ekologia association are to protect the rights and business’ which are members of the program, and also to promote organic farming (picture: Poland) and goods. The program, writes Liliana Lehrer-Rychel, which operates throughout Poland, began in November 2006. Support for the association comes from the Mazowieckie district’s administrative center.

The organization has a number of goals in mind, and in order to see these goals brought to fruition, they will implement several publishing businesses. This will also provide print material which will promote member products. The goals on their list include planning seminars, conferences, workshops, information campaigns on health effects, processing, logistics, and storage of organic foods.

Polska Ecologia plans to have a wholesale company which will distribute and provide information on the member products. They will also feature a databank holding details on organic producers, processors, and operators. They wish to fight unfair competition by improving the exchange of information between these producers and processors and in cooperating with public institutions.

Polska Ekologia has in the recent past started a campaign to promote organic food in hotels and restaurants. They will be providing information on GMO foods and giving full support to the foundation of producers associations in the near future.

Source: organic-market.info

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