
First Charolais go to Poland

THE first consignment of British Charolais to Poland comprised 27, 12 month old heifers from the Morris family’s 230 cow pedigree Dorcas herd at Easington, Aylesbury.

The heifers are destined for a 26,000ha operation near Krakow where a pedigree herd is being established to run alongside a commercial suckler herd and a 2,500 pedigree Holstein cows.

The deal, facilitated by Phil Halhead’s Norbreck Genetics, included daughters of Blelack Topgun, Maerdy Ozone and Mowbraypark Stirling.

“Exporting stock is a new and exciting venture for us after supplying the UK market with heifer replacements,” said George Morris, who runs the herd with his wife Claire and parents, John and Rosemary.

Source: farmersguardian.com,

Flights to Poland

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