
Poland's PGE plans to invest PLN 12-14 bln in building country's first nuclear power plant

Poland's largest consolidated power producer Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE) plans to invest PLN 12-14 bln into constructing Poland's first nuclear power plant (NPP), which should become operational in 2021, according to company plans announced Thursday.
"In 2021 the first unit of the nuclear power plant with capacity of 1.6 GW will be built in Poland," the company wrote in a press pack.

Poland could make a decision on where to build a potential nuclear power plant within five years of the decision to construct the plant, Poland's Deputy Minister of Economy Krzysztof Tchorzewski told reporters in March.

Expanding power production capacity will be PGE's priority domestically, with investments of PLN 35 bln seen by 2016, the company also said Wednesday.

According to its current plans, PGE expects to build six power production units with total capacity of 3,000 MW, which will gradually become operational between 2010-2019.

Currently PGE's total production capacity is 11,800 MW. The group produces some 40% of Poland's domestic power and its share of energy sales on the Polish market stands at nearly 30%.
Source: biznes.onet.pl

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