
oland Fruit Crop Destroyed, Polish Farmers Commit Suicide

n estimated 90% of Poland's fruit crop has been destroyed by late season frosts prompting some Polish farmers to commit suicide. Temperatures dropped to as low as minus 7 Degrees Centigrade in Poland on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. The frost killed the budding fruits on trees all over Poland. Only some fruits on high ground survived. It is estimated that 90% of Poland's fruit crop has been destroyed.

Oak and nut trees that were budding out were also affected with the new leaves being killed by the frost. Strawberry crops have been severely damaged. Some farmers were so distraught at being wiped out that they committed suicide.

The impact on Poland's economy is likely to be huge first from the point of the loss of over 300 million tons of fruit sales this year and secondly from the point of the financial aid that will have to be provided to the farmers. Poland's loss will also affect the prices of fruit in Western Europe as Poland is a major exporter of fruits.

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