
Immigration from Poland sets new record

Norway has been a popular destination for workers from Poland for years, and now their families are arriving as well. Children from Poland now make up the biggest immigrant group in local schools and day care centers.
"When the world changes, we see it here in the classroom," teacher Vigdis Glømmen at Bekkestua School in the Oslo suburb of Bærum told newspaper Aftenposten.

Pakistani and Somalian children were most prevalent at the school 30 years ago. Now Mikolaj Leksander, age 8, symbolizes the immigrant demographics of today.

Liberalization of European border restrictions and Poland's membership in the EU have made it much easier for Polish citizens to get work in Norway. A booming economy in Norway means Norway needs the Polish labour, and the Polish workers enjoy much higher pay in Norway than they do back home.

Many families stay behind in Poland when the father, most typically, travels to Norway for months at a time. Now, however, more Polish families are coming along.

Mikolaj has only been in Norway for four months, but already is gaining a grip on the language and enjoys going to school in Bekkestua. "And I like to go skating, along with drawing and mathematics," Mikolaj said.

The children attend a so-called "transitional" class until their Norwegian proficiency is good enough that they can join a regular class. The number of Polish children in such classes in Oslo was up 40 percent last year, over 2005.

Nearly 2,000 Polish workers applied to bring their families to Norway last year, double the number of applications the year before.

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