
Poland Says It May Block WTO Entry

The European Union might block Russia's entry to the World Trade Organization if Russia does not compromise in a dispute over Polish meat imports, Polish President Lech Kaczynski was quoted as saying in a Swiss newspaper.

"If Russia remains as uncompromising as it has been so far, I don't rule that out," Kaczynski told Swiss paper Neue ZЯercher Zeitung am Sonntag. "But again: We are not looking for a confrontation with Russia. That's a myth."

Russia imposed a ban on imports of Polish meat and other agricultural products 17 months ago, citing cases of forged certificates. Warsaw said the ban was politically motivated to punish it for moving out of Moscow's orbit.

Kaczynski said Poland had to be consistent. "We only want our Russian partners to understand that there is no basis for a renewed Russian dominance over Eastern Europe," he said. "It's less about being tough. It's about being consistent. ... We want real cooperation and no blackmailing in the energy area or unrealistic 'friendship prices.'"


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