
Russia refuses to lift ban on meat imports from Poland

The Russian federal veterinary and phytosanitary regulator Rosselkhoznadzor has studied the materials of the joint Russian-Polish inspection and additionally requested EU documentation on the condition of state veterinary control in Poland, and has decided not to lift a ban on meat imports from the republic, the Russian watchdog said in a statement.

Though Poland's chief veterinary inspectorate has taken measures to eliminate a number of problems the inspection revealed, Rosselkhoznadzor has up to this point not received answers to a series of questions, which arose during the inspection.

To make an informed decision on the possible resumption of meat imports from Poland to Russia, Rosselkhoznadzor has proposed that the EU Commission's Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection carry out a joint inspection of the process of elimination of problems revealed in February 2007 and check the condition of a number of Poland's meat processing plants.


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