
Poland: growing demand for fresh produce before Easter

A few days before Easter (the second major holiday in Poland after Christmas) the demand for fresh fruit and vegetables in Poland is growing. Some products – like onion, carrot, root parsley (some processing plants started to buy parsnip which is similar but much cheaper and can also be used for freezing or drying) or potatoes were already very expensive for some time. But the forecasted revival in trade causes that other vegetables prices also started to rise.

Chinese cabbage for example is already offered for twice the price from the last season. Tomatoes prices remain high because the domestic supply is still low and the quality of tomatoes imported from Spain, Morocco and Turkey is rather low. As the season of sweet peppers from Almeria already ended, importers started to offer sweet pepper from the Netherlands. The quality is much better, but the prices – 3,5 €/kg in wholesale - are very high. On the other side, Polish apples are getting cheaper. Though interest from the potential importers of apples (mainly from Russia) remains high, the supply is also quite large.


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