Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland in National Assembly
On February 26 Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, received the delegation headed by Mrs. Anna Fotyga, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland. At the meeting the two ambassadors of both countries, Mr. Tomasz Knothe, Ambassador of Poland to Armenia and Ashot Galoyan, Ambassador of Armenia to Poland, were present.
Welcoming Mrs. Fotyga in the National Assembly, Mr. Torosyan expressed his satisfaction in the development of Polish-Armenian friendly relations and noted that Armenia and Poland have common features: both countries are member of the Council of Europe, relations are well developing with the European Union, to which Poland is a member. Mr. Torosyan considered Mrs. Fotyga’s visit symbolic, as February 26 is the day of the establishment of 15 years of diplomatic relations between two countries. The President of the Parliament noted that he is aware of Ms. Fotyga’s speeches, and it’s good that the friends are interested in the issues of the region and Armenia.
Mrs. Anna Fotyga, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland highly evaluating the bilateral relations and the current relations in international organizations, noted that a memorandum on Cooperation in the issues concerning European integration in 2007-2008 between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Poland has been signed with Mr. Vardan Oskanyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, as a result of which the Polish-Armenian relations will deepen. Ms. Fotyga expressed readiness for the exchange of experience, noting that the experience includes also mistakes, and their study will help not to repeat them. She highlighted the European Union Action Plan, noting that there are sufficient legal-contractual grounds to deepen cooperation. As to the Minister, as an Eastern European country Poland’s aim is to achieve balance in the framework of the European Union Neighbourhood programme. She expressed readiness to promote the establishment of Turkish-Armenian relations, if the both sides express such a wish.
Upon her request Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly informed about his observations on the regional issues and the Nagorno Karabakh issue. Mr. Tigran Torosyan emphasized the signing of the memorandum and the use of Poland’s educative experience. It was noted that by adopting constitutional amendments by a referendum, Armenia has a Constitution in compliance with European standards and has launched the third phase of the Euro-integration processes. Touching upon the Turkish-Armenian relations Mr. Torosyan highly evaluating Poland’s aspiration to support the regulation of relations and expressing his hope for the mission success, noted that Armenia, being unconditionally for the settlement of the regional issues and for cooperation, has repeatedly announced that it is ready for the establishment of diplomatic relations without any preconditions. Meanwhile the Turkish side finds it as a sign of weakness and offers preconditions. One of the principles is connected with the Nagorno Karabakh issue, and it’s not only inadmissible but also shows that Turkey, member of the Council of Europe, that strives for decades to join the European Union, not only does not want to have diplomatic relations with its neighbour, but also keeps its borders closed, which does not comply with any European principle and value.
In connection with Nagorno Karabkh issue Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly, referred to the position allegedly ascribed to Mrs. Fotyga by the Azerbaijani Trend agency that she is allegedly for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and giving a broad autonomy to national minorities. Mr. Torosyan reminded that there is a second principle, that was adopted in the Helsinki Final Act: the right to self-determination, and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs comparing those principles, found the key for the settlement of the issue. In the negotiations for the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh issue Mr. Torosyan emphasized that approach, noting that in reality the country wishing to settle an issue should prepare its society for the settlement, but not to be engaged in deepening hatred and animosity, as does Azerbaijan, periodically threatening to restart the war.
Mrs. Fotyga clarified that her words were misinterpreted which is not the first case in her political career, and that she fully believes in the OSCE Minsk Group activity and hopes that the solution will be found. And in connection with Armenian-Turkish relations she noted that Poland has historically good relations with both countries, and is ready to contribute to the establishment of those relations. She hopes that as a result of Turkey-European Union negotiations democratic reforms will take place in Turkey.
During the meeting other issues were discussed too.
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