
Magdalena Tran-Van, General Director, French Commercial and Trade Chamber in Poland: French employers awarded

I am very happy to see awards of the Confederation of Polish Employers, “Vectors 2006”, granted to managers of French companies. I see this as a sign of appreciation for French enterprise and its involvement in Polish economy. Carrefour Polska President Alain Souillard received the prize for setting new commercial standards and promoting honest business. I believe big sales firms contributed greatly to imprioving trade in Poland. In the 1990s I cooperated with several textile firms, and I could see how hard it was for the industry to adjust to free market rules and switch from producer- to consumer-oriented commerce. I think big sales companies were mainly responsible for introducing new business standards and customer care. A rather underestimated fact is that Carrefour first introduced quality trademarks and long-term supplier agreements in Poland. Such agreements set very high production standards and allow cooperation with suppliers and producers over many years.
Source: polishmarket.com.pl

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