
Poland Shoots Self In Foot On Russian Meat Ban

Warsaw, Poland 16 January, 2007 - The Polish Government irritated the European Union by vetoing negotions between the EU and Russia over a self inflicted meat ban by Russia that is not hurting Poland. And now when Poland needs the EU for something important like control of the Jamal Pipeline, it is not likely to get it.

The Polish Government has been wasting time picking fights over little things and losing on the big ones. And the Polish meat ban by Russia is a prime example.

The meat ban on Poland is self inflicted. It has nothing to do with Polish meat. It is all about Poland being a transhipping point for other meat. The European Union know this and says that Poland's transgression should not be a reason for banning Polish meat.

In an interesting move, Poland vetoed the start of planned negotiations on a new partnership agreement between the EU and Russia. That irritated a lot of people in the EU and was consider by some as poking the bear to the east in the stomach with a stick.

The Polish Ministry of Economy says that the meat ban has not hurt Poland. Livestock exports from Poland to Russia have increased. And trade in other products has increased.

As the Polish Government focused on the meat ban, the Polish Gas And Oil Company was slow in preparing for negotiations and got itself cornered. That resulted in a 10% increase in gas prices that will cost Poland billions of Euros over the next 20 years.

And now Russia is demanding control over the Jamal pipeline.

Poland needs EU support on this. But Poland spent its EU capital on the veto over the meat ban.


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