Railway in Poland: Hupac opens agency in Poland
Middle and East Europe countries gradually start playing a meaningful role in international freight transport. In 2005 Swiss company Hupac put first connection between Antwerp and Poland in combine transport into operation. In June 2006 Hucad opened its agency in Warsaw.
“Every week we set three trains between Antwerp and Polish terminals (in Kobylnica, Warsaw and Sławków) in motion – says Peter Howald, the intermodal service director in Hupac. “The grade of exploiting the trains is satisfying for now but the demand on such connections is rising, especially on the West-East direction. The agency in Warsaw opening is a logic step of development in our transport network”
Opening the bureau in Warsaw, Hupac can see other possibilities for further company’s development in the East of Europe. “Together with our partners we are working on new connections. They will fulfill the quickly rising demand of freight transport.”
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