
MGM, ITI to Launch HD Premium Movie Channel in Poland

MGM Networks, a division of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, and ITI Neovision, a subsidiary of the Polish media and entertainment company ITI Group, will launch The MGM Channel for Poland next month and make it available in high-definition.

The channel will be available on “n”, the ITI Group’s new direct-to-home digital satellite platform. It will be broadcast in Polish and will be available both in standard definition and in high definition for those customers with the necessary equipment for receiving high-def signals. It will also be offered to Polish cable operators.

"As MGM Networks has expanded its footprint across the world, we have worked diligently to partner with top local media and entertainment companies to secure the most compelling opportunities and ensure the highest levels of quality,” said Bruce Tuchman, the executive VP of MGM Networks. “In the ITI Group we have found an example par excellence. This will also be our first MGM branded channel available in HD format."

“It’s great privilege for us to introduce to Polish viewers the first HD movie channel in the country and a great honor for us to launch with the magnificent MGM brand,” said Maciej Sojka, the president of ITI Neovision. “Interest in HD technology and content in Poland has grown dynamically, along with ever-increasing sales of HD and HD-ready television sets.”

The MGM Channel in Poland will present selections from MGM’s film library, one of the world’s largest. The “n” platform provides Poland’s only HD channel offerings, along with channels specially packaged for the platform by Poland’s leading commercial television network, TVN, and other third-party providers.

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