Local businesses learn about 'Doing Business in Poland'
The Regional Languages Network South West (RLN SW) is holding a FREE event in conjunction with UKT&I (United Kingdom Trade and Investment) at the University of the West of England to help local businesses improve the way they deal with overseas customers.
The theme for the special briefing on Wednesday 29 November will be the language and business culture of Poland, now a key trading partner for many businesses. The event is aimed at helping local businesses to bridge culture barriers and take advantage of trading opportunities with their international customers.
The day will start with a Polish-style breakfast from 08.30 followed by a programme of activities which includes a language taster course in Polish to see how much of a new language can be learned in 40 minutes. Magda Lowson, a native Polish speaker, will teach the delegates.
This will be followed by a brief discussion about whether learning a language (Polish is just an example), or using an alternative strategy would make most sense for an individual company's needs.
Dr Peter Gold, who heads the local hub of the Regional Language Network South West, said, “Our aim is to make businesses think about tackling language and cultural issues to improve trade and make the most of new business opportunities in other countries, and to help them find solutions for their particular needs. We hope that the event will demonstrate to local businesses that taking a few simple steps to communicate effectively with customers from other countries can ultimately make a valuable contribution to the bottom line of their company. The same can be said of local businesses involved in the tourism industry.”
There will also be a briefing session on doing business in Poland presented by Krzysztof Trepczynski of the Polish Embassy, followed by a consideration of the value of such briefings for conducting business successfully in overseas markets.
The discussion will tackle questions such as: Can using languages make a difference? Is learning a language the best option? Why are business culture briefings important? Where to go for advice and help? The event will close with a Question and Answer Session where Peter Gold, Magda Lowson and Krzysztof Trepczynski will reply to delegates' questions.
he event will take place on Wednesday 29 November from 8.30 to 11.30am at the Octagon, University of the West of England Frenchay Campus Coldharbour Lane, Bristol. See: http://www.uwe.ac.uk/maps/frenchay_directions.shtml for directions.

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