Railway in Poland: New TEM 18 Wide Gauge Locomotive for CZH
CZH SA, the company that is the owner of the International Logistic Center in Sławków spent EUR 0.5m on a new wide gauge locomotive TEM 18. Sławków is located on the end of the 400km 1520 line going from the Ukraininan border to the International Logistic Center in Sławków. It is the first new wide gauge locomotive purchased in almost 30 years.

In March 2005 PKP LHS, the company that operates on the wide gauge line, purchased two modernized ST44 diesel locomotives with Caterpillar 3516B HD engine.
ST44-3001 and ST44-3002 were modernized by Fablok Chrzanów.
The new locomotive (named Tamara) was ordered in Bryansk Engineering plant and is currently getting new paining.
In H1 2006 International Logistic Cebter in Sławków increased turnover by 70%. In 2005 it was EUR 2.5m and in H1 2006 EUR 1.8m.
Source: Railway Market magazine
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