
Steps to combat unemployment in Poland

Steps to combat unemployment in Poland
The Law and Justice minority government is determined to reduce Poland’s unemployment rate by about 1.5 percent this year. Now, unemployment stands at 18.1 percent. Poland’s economic growth is to exceed 5 percent in the autumn, Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz has said. His government has drafted a number of bills to combat unemployment and wants to amend the public orders law to encourage more investment in Poland. This is expected to boost economic growth and create jobs. Marcinkiewicz blamed the biggest opposition party, the Civic Platform, for delays in work on this crucial bill.
According to the Ministry of Labor about 600,000 Poles left Poland in 2004 to work legally abroad, but now the number is much bigger. It may be closer to 1 million, according to a count made by parish priests across Poland. Out of 16,000 people from a working class residential quarter in the port city of Gdansk, 1,000 young people went abroad in search of work, mainly in Britain and Ireland. The situation is similar in the south-western industrial region of Silesia.
Research by sociologists shows that out of 100 Poles working away from home, over 40 went to find jobs abroad.

Source: Radio Polonia

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